
Purchase the Yearly SpringClean Service

Yearly SpringClean Service

What’s included

  • 1 day of impactful LIVE interviews conducted to help you quickly and easily speedclean your internal clutter.

  • Speakers’ Assignments and resources to help you apply the valuable insights immediately and benefit as best as you can from their tips and tricks. 

  • Springclean Your Mind Notebook to make notes, jot down take-outs and write down action steps that are easy to take. 

  • Checklist to use every year again. 

  • Lifetime Access to all interviews recordings so that you can go back and watch or listen to them at any time.  


  • Weekly Sparks of Joy in your inbox


Yearly SpringClean VIP Service

What’s included

  • 1 day of impactful LIVE interviews conducted to help you quickly and easily speedclean your internal clutter.

  • Speakers’ Assignments and resources to help you apply the valuable insights immediately and benefit as best as you can from their tips and tricks. 

  • Springclean Your Mind Notebook to make notes, jot down take-outs and write down action steps that are easy to take. 

  • Checklist to use every year again. 

  • Lifetime Access to all interviews recordings so that you can go back and watch or listen to them at any time.  


  • Audiofiles of all interviews recordings so that you can go back and watch or listen to them at any time.  


  • Weekly Sparks of Joy in your inbox    


  • Sparking Vision Call a 45-minute call with me to get crystal clear on your priorities.   

